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Sigismund Thalberg International Piano Competition
14th edition - Naples May
21st/24th 2025

Art. 1

Any pianist may apply to the Sigismund Thalberg International Piano Competition, with no age limits. 


Art. 2

The Pre-selection audition will be online, whereas the Final audition will take place at the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory (Sala Martucci and Sala Scarlatti) in Naples from 21st to 24th of May 2025.


Art. 3

Candidates have to send the Application form no later than 15th March 2025 by email to


The documents mentioned below must be attached to the application form:

- photocopy of an identity document

- curriculum vitae mentioning the name of the current piano teacher

- application fee of € 50

- a video file as described in Art. 5


The application fee can be paid by:

- Bank transfer

to: Centro Studi Internazionale Sigismund Thalberg

bank: BancoPosta

IBAN: IT18Y0760103400000037944808


- Paypal

on the account:


Application unprovided with the registration fee will not be accepted.


Art. 4 

The Competition will consist of the following two auditions: 

- Pre-selection audition (online)

- Final audition (in presence)


Art. 5

The Auditions' program is as follows:


Pre-selection audition

A video recording of about 10 minutes which has to include the execution of a study and one or more compositions of free choice. The video must be recorded live and cannot contain cuts. At the beginning of the recording the candidate has to declare their name, surname and nationality.


Final audition

A recital program lasting about 60 minutes of free choice which has to include a classical sonata and a free piece by Thalberg (the score can be demand free, contextually to the registration, to the reception office of the Study Centre).

The final audition may include pieces performed during the pre-selection auditions.

The jury has the right to listen to all or part of the program presented.


Art. 6

Received videos will be evaluated by the Jury of the Competition in video-conference and the results will be published on the website no later than 30th March 2025. Candidates selected for the final audition will also receive the results by email.


Art. 7

Each candidate has to report to the Final audition with an identification document. 


Art. 8

The order of candidates participation in the final auditions shall be in alphabetical sequence. Later comers will be excluded from the Competition. The candidate may request their audition to be shifted only because of demonstrable reasons compatible with available time and the reason for shifting it. 


Art. 9

An adequate number of pianos will be available for the candidates. Each candidate will have the possibility to try the piano of the Final audition accordingly to the timetable arranged by the secretary's office. 


Art. 10

The Final audition will be recorded. The rights connected with recording of film taken during the Final auditions and any use of such material shall not involve payment of any kind to the relevant candidates.


Art. 11

The examining committee consists of distinguished musicians. No persons having relations of kinship with the candidates may be, in no cases, part of the examining committee; the person, having at the moment or having had, private tuition relations with the candidates in the two years preceding the Competition, will not go to the specific polls. In accordance of what above mentioned, each member of the committee will write down a declaration specifying the own position towards the candidates.


Art. 12

The First prize will only be assigned to the unanimity.


Art. 13

The Final audition will be public. 


Art. 14

The decisions taken by the examining committee are final and unappealable. 


Art.15 Prizes

- First prize € 3,000

- Second prize € 2,000

- Third prize € 1,000


Art.16 Special prizes

Vincenzo and Francesca Princes of Strongoli Prize € 1,000

for the best Thalberg’s piece performance

Vincenzo Vitale Prize € 1,000 

for the youngest finalist

Ninetta Mangoni Prize  € 1,000

for the best woman finalist

Italo and Diana de Feo Prize € 1,000

for the best italian finalist


Art. 17

Independently from the voting given to every candidate, the prizes may not be awarded or assigned ex-aequo. 

All prizes will apply the withholding tax relating the Italian law.


Art. 18

Any candidate who doesn't fulfill all requirements set down in the present Regulation shall immediately lose all right to the Competition and to any refund. 


Art. 19

In case of claims the official regulations are those written in Italian.

© 2023 by Sigismund Thalberg International Study Center 

Palazzo Strongoli - Riviera di Chiaia, 256 Naples - Italy

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