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Annual Piano Course
with the pianist Francesco Nicolosi
Academic Year 2021/2022

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Participation in the Piano Specialization Course is open to all students who have obtained a Piano Academic Diploma or equivalent qualification at the State Conservatories or recognized institutes.



The Piano Specialization Course lasts eight months, with lessons on a fortnightly (16 lessons) or monthly (8 lessons).



(associative contribution for the realization of the courses)

Entry fee - € 100.00

Participation Fee

16 Lessons - € 1,600.00

8 Lessons - € 800.00


The Participation fee can be divided into eight monthly payments.

Lessons can be held in person or online as per student's wishes.



The Application form, duly filled, must be sent no later than 31st October 2021 by email to

Proof of payment of the Registration fee must be attached to the Application form.



The aforementioned fees can be paid by:

- Bank transfer

to: Centro Studi Internazionale Sigismund Thalberg

bank: BancoPosta

IBAN: IT18Y0760103400000037944808


- Paypal 

on the account:


Students must pay the Participation fee by the 5th of each month. The Study Center points out that, in case of absence by the student, lessons can be recovered within the current academic year.



In the 2022/23 concert season, concerts on dates and places to be defined will be offered to the best students of the Piano Specialization Course.


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